Professional excellence in supporting companies and new ventures
For over 30 years we have added value in our client's operations with fast and precise solutions and great professionalism.
About the company
Founded on the suitability and professionalism of each of the Cancelas team members, we seek to offer our clients tailor-made solutions that contribute to their growth and profitability in the short, medium, and long term.
Closeness to our clients
We work closely with each of our clients to attend to all their needs quickly and efficiently.
Excellence and professionalism
We have highly trained in-house professionals to provide the best services in different industries.
We are part of:

Our team

Sergio Cancelas
Sergio is a founding partner at Cancelas. He graduated as an Accountant in 1981 at the University of Buenos Aires. He finished his postgraduate studies in Strategic Administration at the same University. He did the 1999 DPME program at IAE – Austral University. He is an active member of the Argentine Association of Tax Studies, Assistant at the Tax & Legal table of AMCHAM. He was part of the Executive Program at UCA for International Taxation. He completed Forum Update courses and several programs dictated by the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the CABA and of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Juan Manuel Martinez
He is a Partner and works as General Manager. He graduated with a Magna Cum Laude mention in Accountancy in 2007 at the University of Buenos Aires. He has completed postgraduate studies in Accounting Standards (UsGaap and I.F.R.S.) at the same University. He has also completed a specialization in Taxation, Accounting, and International Auditing at the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa. He has served as an ad honorem assistant in various accounting subjects at the University of Buenos Aires.

Marcelo Bertolazzi
He works as a Tax Manager. He graduated as a Public Accountant from the University of Buenos Aires in 2011 and has been part of Cancelas since 2007. He has taken several courses and seminars to update his knowledge in tax matters, and tax planning.

Antonio Tripaldi
He works as an Audit Manager. He graduated as a Public Accountant at the University of Buenos Aires in 2016. He began his professional career at Deloitte & CO S.R.L. in 2002 in the Department of External Audits to Commercial Companies. He joined Cancelas & Asociados in 2015, in the Accounting and Auditing sector in both Local Standard and IFRS. He continuously attends training courses in accounting and auditing and belongs to the Accounting Committee of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. He works as a professor of Financial Accounting at the same University.
Years of experience
The best choice in the industry
We add value by providing solutions in a fast, timely and personalized way.
Trusted by
We are proud of the relationships that we create and nurture year after year with each of our clients.